måndag 15 oktober 2012

Parenting and Child Anxiety

Hello everybody,

I am currently in the process of writing a lit review about a particular parenting behavior and how this behavior may relate to certain child anxiety symptoms. The parenting behavior I have chosen to target is parental intrusiveness/over-control. I have been interested in this construct since I volunteered in a lab that investigated this (among a thousand other things) as an undergraduate. I presented some intriguing data from that lab at a conference about two years ago, and I look forward to now delve even deeper into the subject.

I love classes that allow you to simultaneously think of your own research interests and fulfill requirements of the class. Since this is a research topic I have been interested in for a long time, and something I am sure I'll use in my future research endeavors, it does not feel as forced to sit down and do it as other class work does.

I plan to spend all day tomorrow to think some more about this topic and start accumulating more research in the area. Since I am not a complete novice in this research topic, I have a hunch of what the literature will tell me, but I will let you guys know when I have more conclusive evidence of my hypothesis. :)

Until then...

Life as a Clinical Psychology PhD Student

I'm alive!

It's almost been a year since I last wrote here, but I do think I am ready to really put this blog to use. A lot of things have happened since I last updated the blog. During those months in 2011, I kept studying for the GRE and preparing my apps for graduate school. Well, guess what? I made it through! After many tears, sleepless nights, interviews all over the US, and decisions to make, I am now officially enrolled in a Clinical Psychology PhD program (my number one choice after interviews!).

I started the program in August, but it feels as if I have been enrolled forever. I am working on a grant together with my adviser and his other students. We are four students actively involved in the lab-work and that are funded through the grant, but he has a couple of more students that are funded through other sources and that join us every now and then. Everybody in the lab are very friendly, which is great.

We are six people in my cohort, and we are a really mixed group of people, which I love! Three men and three women (just that is worth mentioning in a psychology graduate program!), two international students, five have lived in another country for at least two years (South Korea, Sweden, Spain, Russia, and various other countries for the fifth person), five are fluent in at least one other language, and we span the ages of 22 and 30, with four of us being 26 or older (again, very very rare, but something I am very grateful for!).

Since being a PhD student pretty much is my life now, I was thinking of making this blog a venue where I think about graduate school, as well as research and life in general. Also, if people are interested, I would love to tell you guys more about how I got into graduate school (especially as an international student), and how life is as a PhD student, etc.

Until we meet again.